Don’t Bank on Tactics, You Need a 12 Month Marketing Strategy
Often, when you're considering how you want to handle your marketing, you may start with a quick look at the tactics you want to utilize. For example, you may have heard about the potential benefits of social media marketing and want to make sure that you include the tactic in your latest marketing plans; or you might want to make sure that you have a cause marketing campaign prepared. However, if you're just looking at marketing tactics, you may find that you're not getting the results you want and need.
Instead of looking at marketing tactics alone, make sure you have a 12-month marketing strategy in place that will help you maximize the return on your investment.
A 12-month plan offers a number of critical advantages as you develop your marketing efforts:
1. Planning Ahead
With a 12-month marketing strategy, businesses are better positioned to set goals for the entire year. That means that you will be able to allocate both your resources and your marketing budget, which means you are more likely to have the time and resources necessary to achieve your overall objectives.
A better plan means that you can successfully manage your marketing goals long-term. Since you have a strategy in place, you will prove less likely to run out of resources or available budget in the middle of the year.
Your comprehensive plan can also help address potential changes in the market and how you may pivot your strategy, which means you may be better situated to address challenges that come your way.
2. More Consistency
Establishing a clear brand is important for every business, from landscaping businesses to home improvement businesses and more. Clear branding and a consistent message helps with overall brand recognition and makes it easier for customers to see who you are and what sets you apart. As a result, you will bring in the customer traffic you need.
With a 12-month marketing plan, you will find that your brand is able to maintain consistency in your branding and message. Since you have laid out your messaging ahead of time, you know how you want to present yourself and what elements are critical to each of those messages.
3. Increased ROI
Your 12-month marketing strategy is designed to help you evaluate each marketing campaign and adjust your approach as needed to effectively reach your target audience. By continuously focusing on optimizing your marketing efforts, you can ultimately improve your ROI, or return on investment, significantly by focusing on the most effective marketing channels and tactics for your business.
Your strategies may not look the same as your competitors'. In fact, you may see surprising results as you continue to focus on the unique needs of your specific target market. Over time, this can lead to a substantial increase in your marketing ROI.
4. Better Customer Engagement
Customers want to know what to expect when they connect with your business. They need to know who you are and why they should put their trust in you--and they do not want that message to change over time.
When you have a consistent marketing plan that stretches over the course of the year, you'll find you are better positioned to provide your customers with engaging content that meets their ongoing needs. Over time, that can also help increase customer trust in your brand.
5. Competitive Advantage
As part of your 12-month marketing strategy, you will take a look at potential trends and opportunities in the market. You won't just focus on reacting in the present moment; instead, you’ll have the chance to prepare for potential trends and position your business to best take advantage of them.
As a result, you will get a competitive advantage over competitors who may not have taken those steps, allowing you to maintain a better overall share of the market and position your business more effectively.
You will also find that crafting your plan ahead of time will prepare you to react to the unexpected, which means you can adjust your efforts more quickly than customers who may not have prepared ahead.
Create a 12-Month Marketing Plan That Fits Your Business.
Overall, a 12-month marketing strategy provides businesses with a comprehensive plan for reaching and engaging customers, improving ROI, and staying ahead of the competition. It allows businesses to approach their marketing efforts with a long-term view and create a sustainable marketing approach that can drive business growth over time.
Are you ready to get started? Contact Mid-West Family Southwest MI to learn more about your available options for marketing and how to integrate the marketing strategies your business needs most into a comprehensive 12-month plan.